Cloud Video — A Smart Means for Data Security and Reliable Storage

Rounak Dhillon
6 min readSep 9, 2020

Posted On: September 9, 2020

Businesses and warehouses spend years and years to build assets. So make sure these are safe, cloud video surveillance plays an integral part. There is no denying in the fact that the world is steadily moving towards cloud. And warehouses are no behind. With fully integrated platform, cloud video surveillance has so much potential in storing, controlling, and accessing the data which becomes crucial for scaling small warehouses.

But still adoption of cloud-based surveillance in the small scale warehousing industry is limited. This is mainly due to the misconception in people’s mind about it being expensive and the security of their data. Sending the data ‘to the cloud’ is generally perceived as data being taken from them. Little do people know that cloud offers the highest security and the data is protected by privacy guidelines. Moreover, the security surveillance uploaded to the cloud is handled by experts, reduces the stress about security and allows managers to focus on warehouse operations.

Here’s why cloud video is the next big thing for small warehouses

Effortless setup

Cloud video security system saves a small warehouse from all the complex hardware gateways, cables, and storage systems. Less hardware requirement makes it very cost-effective for small warehouses. It follows the principle of plug and play. Simply connecting the cameras to the cloud via the internet saves all the hassle, time, and much-needed energy. All the cameras can be configured to the cloud and the applications and the setup can be up and running within minutes. Moreover, small warehouses won’t need to invest much time and energy in case of expanding the unit. Existing camera infrastructure coupled with some new cameras would do the entire task.

Easy and extended storage

Gone are the days of DVRs and NVRs storage where huge external drives were used to store the data with latency issues. Cloud-managed video recorders are fast and easy to use and offer much larger storage capacities. Storing the files in external storage involves various efforts to copy-paste, delete, and backup the data from time to time. But CMVR solves all these issues as all these processes are completed by the system automatically. By using the features for cloud, the security system can store important information and data for a much longer time mainly due to the fact- more storage.

Easy access to the data

With seamless integration of cameras with cloud and warehouse management, it becomes completely effortless to monitor and access the information and data. Retrieving only the specific data is also made possible by cloud as earlier owners had to go through the entire footage. API is provided to the client which can be run in the browser for footage retrieval and download. This also provides the convenience of sharing the data with family, friends, or concerned people. This quick and efficient retrieval is especially beneficial in the case of any incident or emergency as footage needs to examined as soon as possible to identify the person responsible. Round the clock access is also another feature specific to cloud-based video surveillance. It reduces the cost of security management.

Remote maintenance and updates

Updates and health checks are necessary to keep a system up and running. The cloud system is programmed in such a way that it regularly run health checks on the security cameras thereby keeping them in a great condition. Whenever some fault is detected, it is immediately notified to the handlers via the camera manager application. These alerts are centrally managed. Sometimes smart cloud cameras itself notifies also in case of any faulty working. With the help of AI, tampering alerts are now a reality. Cameras give advance alerts in case if anybody tries to change their surroundings. Cloud video cameras receive updates over the internet to keep the technology up-to-date. So small warehouses don’t need to regularly have their security system checked up by technicians instead opt for a cloud-based system. This saves them from loads of money.

Less reliance on ground staff

As small warehouse owners don’t have many resources to employ more and more workers, cloud video cameras seem to be a viable option for them. This greatly reduces the need for manpower in every aspect. Be it managing the data, accessing it or upkeep of the system. With the seamless and fully integrated platform provided by cloud-based video management systems, warehouse owners do not need to hire a committed surveillance team or monitoring crew. As the owner himself is able to access and manage the systems even remotely with just a tap on the phone. The need to call the staff for every update would be gone. This offers peace of mind for owners and makes them less dependent. All the requirements and smart systems can be configured within the application without the need for specialized technicians. This gives small warehouse owners a sense of confidence and makes the operation handling more efficient.

Easy integration with AI and ML

Small warehouses are on the growth stage. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning with cloud surveillance systems provides them with much needed smart insights. These insights could be many depending on the type of surveillance system used and the programming done. AI-based surveillance systems and analytics reduces the workload on staff by identifying any unusual activity, face recognition, motion detection, people counting, etc. AI and ML have the ability to drastically improve warehouse efficacy.

Cost-effective and flexibility to scale

For small scale warehouses cost are of utmost concern when adopting a new system. The cloud-based video surveillance system is more economical both in long and short run when compared to traditional surveillance methods. These doesn’t require large upfront costs in setting up the system like complex hardware, wires and other materials. In the long run too, cloud-based system require less manpower to run thus proving to be cost-effective. When expanding the business and adding more sites there is no upfront cost, unlike the traditional systems which would require many on-premises hardware and storage devices. Some changes in the software and the site becomes fully functional as data is stored remotely. This makes cloud alternatives a lot more flexible when scaling for small warehouses.

Safety and security of the data

A video surveillance system is only as worthy as the data it collects and stores. If somehow the data is lost or tampered or the storage system is vandalized the whole security system losses its value. In cloud-based solutions, with fewer people handling the security systems, there is a decreased risk of human errors and the threat to the data from some deceitful employees. The data from cloud video recorders is stored in safe data centers and backups are also created by the system. Moreover, the cloud-based cameras also provide the service of secondary storage which is on-site. This is how cloud-based surveillance systems are designed to reduce the liabilities which could occur using a traditional surveillance system if cameras or hardware is vandalized or it malfunctions.

To Conclude

Security surveillance systems have evolved from traditional cameras and bells to a much more sophisticated system and cloud-based video surveillance systems. With widespread applications and reducing costs, these are becoming an attractive security system for small warehouses. With the potential for improved storage, readily controlled remote access to data and information, wide-ranging utility and at a fraction of cost, it’s no wonder why the ever-reaching cloud has become so popular in warehouse security. It’s time for small businesses to tap its potential to their business to new heights.

Originally published at on September 9, 2020.

